DST – Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V. - LOGO
Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V.

Manoeuvring Basin

The manoeuvring tank has a square layout with a side length of 25 m. The maximum water depth is continuously adjustable to 1.25 m. The manoeuvring tank is also equipped with a rotating arm to enable measurements of forces on captive models in circular motion or to follow free-running remote-controlled models.

The dimensions of the manoeuvring tank perfectly qualify this facility to carry out various special tests.

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    Development Centre for
    Ship Technology and Transport Systems

    Oststr. 77
    47057 Duisburg

    Tel.: +49 (0)203 - 99 36 9 - 0
    Fax: +49 (0)203 - 99 36 9 - 70

    E-Mail: dst@dst-org.de
