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Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V.

On the occasion of the General Assembly meeting of the Horizon Europe project SEAMLESS on 11 and 12 June 2024, DST hosted the project consortium in Duisburg and presented its broad research portfolio.


After four years, the European research project NOVIMOVE finished with a range of different solutions for improving inland waterway transportation and intermodal logistics on the Rhine-Alpine corridor between Basel and the seaports of Rotterdam and Antwerp.

With a total of six ongoing projects, DST was represented well at the European transport research conference “Transport Research Arena 2024” in Dublin.

As part of the two-year study RAIN, options for action for inland ports are being developed in response to the ongoing automation of inland shipping.

DST investigates logistics concepts with small automated inland vessels in new Horizon Europe research project.

Interim results of the Innovation Action funded by the European Commission have been presented at the Danube Ports Days 2023 in Vienna and the 6th BinSmart Networking Event in Berlin.

DST is once again dedicated to research in the field of offshore wind energy and is coordinating the CableProtect project

The design process of the IWT Demo Use Case in the SEAMLESS research project has started with a workshop at DST on 1 June 2023.

The European research project examines the waterborne logistics of the future by making use of automated elements on the water and ashore.

Kick-off meeting of SYNERGETICS took place at DST on 8 and 9 February 2023.

On 19.01.2023 the DST was represented with the project Ella at the mobility congress of the IHK NRW. In the Mercatorhalle in Duisburg, representatives from the transport industry and politics discussed the topic “Verkehrswende Güterverkehr” in the afternoon. Among the invited speakers was NRW Transport Minister Oliver Krischer.


The study was a measure from the IWT Masterplan (Masterplan Binnenschifffahrt) of the German Federal Transport Ministry.

From 14 to 17 November 2022, the 9th Transport Research Arena took place in Lisbon, Portugal. DST was represented by the departments “Logistics and Transport” and “Experiments, Fleet Modernisation and Emissions” and presented three scientific publications on the topics “innovative hubs” and “greening freight transport”.

As part of the networking conference IHATEC/DigiTest of the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport, the research project CoboTank has been presented to a broad expert audience on 28 September 2022 in Berlin.

The logistics projects CoboTank, DeConTrans and HaFoLa were subject of five presentations in three weeks in August and September.

The European research project MultiRELOAD develops solutions for the digitalization and automation of inland ports along the rivers Rhine and Danube.

The fourth meeting of the monitoring research group took place at the DST on 1st September 2022. At this meeting, the two working groups focusing on the topics of propulsion systems & alternative fuels and innovative ship concepts have been presented.

The research project entitled “Development and testing of collaborative and automated robotic systems to support the loading process of tankers” started with a kick-off event in Duisburg.

In May and June, several DST research results were published and presented at conferences throughout Europe.

The members of the joint expert committee ‘Economy and Logistics’ of Federal Association of Public Inland Ports (BÖB) and the Association for European Inland Navigation and Waterways (VBW) have visited DST and HaFoLa in Duisburg.

On 28 March 2022, the online event ‘Urban supply via the waterway’ took place as part of the event series ‘JRF on site’. It was also designed as the final event of the research project ‘DeConTrans – Innovative concepts for a decentralized waterborne container transport’ with the participation of both DST and RIF, two of the JRF member institutes.

Hafen Hamburg Marketing (Logo)

Plenty of potential for modal shift does exist for IWT in northern and northeastern Germany – but also for further optimization.

The register with selected projects and an overview of news and events within the field of inland waterway transport is now online and is updated regularly.

Hafen Hamburg Marketing (Logo)

The Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems e. V. (DST) and Port of Hamburg Marketing e. V. (HHM) have signed a mutual association membership.

Einladung zur Online-Veranstaltung “Die Bedeutung der Binnenschifffahrt in Europa” Inland waterway transport is part of an efficient and resource-saving transport system – this is also how the European Commission describes it in its White Paper on Tran

The project started with a meeting at BASF, after which DST began developing the tanker in a consortium. The aim was to significantly improve the tanker’s capacity, even at very shallow drafts, in order to improve supplies to the Ludwigshafen production site in the low water season. CFD calculations and model tests followed later, with promising results. BASF has now commissioned the shipping company STOLT to build the ship and put it into service by the end of 2022.

December 2020 research project MariData has started. It sets out to develop a Decision-Support-System (DSS) for sea-going vessels. At DST, the focus is on shallow water waves and the vessel’s hydrodynamic in such conditions.

The joint research project “FlaBi”, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Eco-nomic Affairs and Energy, was launched in December 2020. The project deals with the de-velopment of dedicated ships for extreme shallow water conditions. The DST is responsible for the coordination of the joint project and carries out its own sub-project “FlaBiTec”.

With the Horizon2020 project completing this month, the final demonstrator was presented at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN). At DST the superstructure to represent the results of two substantial work packages (WPs) has been designed and manufactured.

Final results of the SmartSt@rt project presented at JRF event. The Johannes Rau Research Foundation (JRF) held an event titled “The Local Integration of Refugees – Experiences from NRW” at the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dü

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    Development Centre for
    Ship Technology and Transport Systems

    Oststr. 77
    47057 Duisburg

    Tel.: +49 (0)203 - 99 36 9 - 0
    Fax: +49 (0)203 - 99 36 9 - 70

    E-Mail: dst@dst-org.de
