DST – Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V. - LOGO
Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V.

Full Scale Testing

Model tests are the most important method for obtaining quantitative information about the ship at the design stage. The forecasting methods are also very developed today and defined in many areas in proven standards. And yet, in some cases it is still necessary to carry out measurements in the large version.

For example, when a new ship is being built, results from the model tests can be checked in large scale tests. This is useful for validation, if already in the model experiment certain scale effects led to an uncertainty in the prognosis. It may also be necessary if the predicted characteristics do not show up during operation.

In addition, certain questions can be answered in a more informative way in the large-scale version. Sometimes it is also necessary to carry out investigations on ships for which no model tests have been carried out at all. For example, manoeuvring tests are often limited to the most necessary tests. In the field test, all data for a manoeuvring model can be obtained in order to get a realistic prognosis of the ship’s movement behaviour in the ship’s command simulator.

In all these cases, the DST’s measurement engineers perform measurements on board your ship.  These can be individual test runs, detailed measurement series or long-term measurements.

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    Development Centre for
    Ship Technology and Transport Systems

    Oststr. 77
    47057 Duisburg

    Tel.: +49 (0)203 - 99 36 9 - 0
    Fax: +49 (0)203 - 99 36 9 - 70

    E-Mail: dst@dst-org.de
